We communicate largely through text message, but our text number doesn’t accept phone calls—so we have a separate number for those. Both numbers are active, and texts to either number will reach us!
Here’s the breakdown:
Main number (TEXT ONLY) 512-817-3663
- direct one-one-one conversation with Amy or other office staff
- weekly lesson reminders
- lesson cancellation or time change notifications
- recital and vacation dates, school closures, school news
- receives/sends texts only, no phone calls
Second number (can accept phone calls) 830-326-9600
- direct one-one-one conversation with Amy or other office staff
- if you need to get a hold of us immediately, can text both numbers for possible faster response
- texts are still preferred, but this number also accepts phone calls
Btw – if you don’t need automated weekly lesson reminders, please don’t opt out of texts completely, or you’ll miss things like vacation or recital dates, lesson cancellations, school closure notices, etc. You can opt out of the weekly reminders in your client profile without losing the important updates. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. 🙂